The Biggest Mistake I Almost Made…

As I was putting the finishing touches on my Creative Brief Toolkit, I had that sinking feeling that I was omitting an important item. And yet, at 26 pages, it was already feeling complete. So I dug through my original notes and there it was: Key Contacts — the missing piece.
I understand that this may not seem like a big mistake, and, admittedly, it takes up a small portion of the Toolkit. Yet, while it might be the easiest question to answer in the entire document, it is a vital component for project success.
Here’s why:
I have seen creative initiatives come unglued when both parties fail to discuss responsibilities, roles and expectations. Without this understanding, confusion and frustration run high and if left unchecked for too long, budgets get blown and deadlines get missed.
Yet, when everyone involved has a clear understanding of who is responsible for what and when things need to be complete, the creative process is infinitely smoother. We are able to set realistic expectations from the very start and can focus on delivering solutions that fit into your business needs, saving everyone time and frustration.
So here they are:
The four short (but essential) bullets I added to the Creative Brief Toolkit (see page 15):
• Who are we reporting to? (there should be one point of contact)
• Who exactly is approving this work?
• Who needs to be informed of our progress? How? By e-mail, in-person meetings?
• You will need to supply details name, phone, e-mail.
Simple, right?
Easy to do, and not to be missed.
Interested in learning more about guiding your next creative project to success?
Download the entire Creative Brief Toolkit via the form below.