The Joyful Experience of San Francisco’s Color Factory

When was the last time you indulged in an hour of joyous curiosity and unadulterated play?
That was my experience at The Color Factory in San Francisco and I wanted to share some of the fun with you.
When I posted to Instagram and Facebook, one of my friends commented, “I don’t know what that place is, but I love it already!” It is hard for me to imagine not loving this place!
Here are a few highlights.
What is The Color Factory?
Per their website, The Color Factory is a “A Pop-Up Experience in San Francisco. This two-story interactive exhibition celebrates color and material, featuring work by some of our favorite artists and collaborators…”
Tickets were ridiculously hard to get. The experience was originally in August only, but was so popular they opened it up for another month. When the second round of tickets when on sale, eight people simultaneously logged in. Lucky for me, one lucky individual secured tickets (enthusiastic shout out to the Shutterfly Social Media team for this effort! So thrilled to be working with these ladies!)

Outside the Color Factory on Sutter Street in San Francisco. I love the symmetry of the stripes and how the exterior paint of the building mirrors the branding of the website home page.
A few joyful experiences captured from my visit:
We entered with a scratch-and-sniff wall reminiscent of Willie Wonka and Chocolate Factory — with smells on different stripes including, “When Life Gives You Lemons” on YELLOW, “Hoarding all the Reeces Pieces in the Halloween Stash” on ORANGE and my personal favorite, “Grape Bubble Gum that Looses its Flavor in 2 Minutes” on PURPLE.

Scratch and Sniff Wall at the Color Factory.

Immersed in all things Orange #selfie.
Colorful Fun…

walking though 10,000+ colorful ribbons.

The Green Room at the Color Factory — coloring with a giant felt tip marker is harder than you might think!
Experimenting with the ‘Stories’ feature on Instagram in the Confetti Room…
(Click to see!)
They saved the best room for last…

Friends taking selfies in the GIGANTIC yellow ball pit! Pure joy!

Yellow Ball Pit Selfie. Seriously. The joyful experience of losing myself in thousands of yellow balls.
My take-away from this experience?
How can I add more time in my week for experiences that bring pure joy? Time for experiments with no goals in mind, just play?
My young boys have theses amazing moments all the time, and as they grow older I fear they may start to disappear. How to raise these little humans to be responsible adults without sucking the joy and fun out of our daily lives?
How can we, as adults, inject more play in our everyday routines?
Thanks for reading — comments always welcome!
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